Sunday, 15 December 2013

Procrastination - Wanna Over come ???

Have you ever looked at a 2-inch thick book you want to read but just the thickness of it discourages you from even wanting to begin to read?This is the reason why I believe in focusing on the positive of the outcome such as the knowledge you will get, not in the thickness of the book!

Same thing happens with any other objectives or goals, we look at the many things we need to do instead of the positive outcome it will bring us.You are looking at the multitude of processes you need to get done to achieve your objective!Look and concentrate on the end result instead!Imagine it, see it as done and feel as if you have already achieved it.Do this and you will be on your way to getting procrastination out of the way.

Hate Your Job?

Do you know one of those people out there hating what they do in their jobs on a daily basis? Perhaps this is even you…

I’m going to give you a new perspective to help you out…:)Set yourself a goal, and make part of that goal to do something you love and enjoy doing, something you’re passionate about…You can’t go wrong with this if you persevere and are determined.

But what about your current job that you hate or someone you know hates?See it instead as a stepping stone that will help you reach your goal!Focus not on hating it but being grateful for it for allowing you to reach your next step on reaching something you will love doing.Believe me, this alone will add more meaning to your life…Get out of survival mode and add a dream to your life and you will see.

The possibilities are endless.Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.Do what you can, with what you have, where you are... : )
If you have the excuse that you don't have time to improve yourself, this is what I recommend.

There were times when I thought I couldn't go on, but I forced myself to keep going. I realized that success is greatly based on persistence, not luck.Decide in advance what blocks of time you'll allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Then schedule your work hours using whatever time is left. This can reduce the urge to procrastinate because you work will not encroach on your leisure time, so you don't have to procrastinate on work in order to relax and enjoy life. I caution against overusing this strategy, however, as your work should normally be enjoyable enough that you're motivated to do it.

No matter how good of a business person you are or how motivated you might be about reaching your goals, there will always be times when you just plain don’t want to get to work. Maybe it’s a big project you’re stalling on at the office or maybe you’re staring down the end of the second week in a row you’ve skipped your gym workouts. Whatever the case, the moral of the story is that you need a way to break through your procrastination – and you need it fast!

When you find yourself stuck in this rut, try any of the following tips to help you overcome procrastination.

Make a List

Start by creating a to-do list with things that you would like to accomplish. If necessary, put a date next to each item if there is a deadline that you need to meet. Estimate how long each task will take to complete, and then double that number so that you don't fall into the cognitive trap of underestimating how long each project will take.

Find the little tricks that motivate you

 What is one tiny thing you could do to push yourself toward the action you don’t feel like doing?When I don’t feel like working out, I know the easiest way to get me to do it is to try doing Yoga. When I don’t feel like working on my Defects, thinking about the Time I will have to leave and duration I will have to wait for Cab :) if I don't fix it will make me more in the mood to continue my work .By employing these baby steps, you can often convince yourself you actually do want to finish that project, clean the bathroom or organize a fundraiser. It’s just a matter of taking one step. Sooner or later, you’ll want to put another foot in front of that one.
When you are faced with a big project, you might feel daunted, intimidated, or even hopeless when you look at the sheer amount of work involved. At this point, take individual items on your list and break them down into a series of steps. If you need to write a paper for class, what steps do you need to follow? If you are planning a big family event, what are the things you need to do and what supplies do you need to obtain? Once you have created a list detailing the process you need to go through in order to accomplish the task, you can start working on individual "baby steps."

Ask yourself why

Look deeply into the reason you want to quit. Implore yourself: Why don’t I want to start? Chances are the answer isn’t that you’re being lazy (although those rainy days make it hard for me to get moving), it’s that you’re afraid.Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of criticism. These are huge stumbling blocks for many of us. I had a hard time writing this article; I kept putting it off. It finally dawned on me that I was worried about being criticized.Once I recognized that I was acting out of fear instead of being frustrated with my procrastination, I could take real action. I gave myself a pep talk, reminding myself of previous times I’d written well with minimal, and mostly constructive, criticism.Recognizing when you’re acting out of fear gives you compassion for yourself, giving you the opportunity to move forward instead beating yourself down and holding yourself back.

Recognize triggers that diminish your discipline
It's hard to get any real work done when you keep turning your attention to what's on television or you keep checking your friends Facebook status updates. Assign yourself a period of time during which you turn off all distractions – such as music, television, and social networking sites – and use that time to focus all of your attention on the task at hand.


This might seem like a no-brainer, but I can’t tell you the number of times I just forget to focus. I’ll be in the middle of writing and suddenly I’ll be reading a blog post. Or mucking around on FaceBook. How did I get here, I wonder.
When I notice myself doing this, I say the word outloud. “Focus.” Often that’s all it takes for me to return to the task at hand with renewed vigor. Giving yourself a command out loud tends to wake you up a little.

Envision yourself being finished with the task
This one works great for me if I’m really struggling. Generally I’m one of those people who will finish something once I start, so if I’m entertaining the idea of quitting half-way through, I know I need to play some mind games :).
During a particularly grueling workout, I really considered calling it quits. I had worked hard enough, I told myself. I took a minute and saw myself eating a big chocolate Ice Cream ,Listening to Rock n Roll. It did the trick.
See yourself celebrating after you finish a project at work. Peer into your mind’s eye and you’ll find you’re enjoying a good book in your newly painted living room. Often this is just the thing to get you moving in the right direction.

Get to know your willpower

Willpower is a critical part of discipline, although they aren’t exactly the same thing. Discipline is what gets you out of bed every morning to train for that marathon. Willpower is what you need when you had a bad night’s sleep, it’s cold and your bed couldn’t be cozier.
We all have a power source within us that can push us beyond what we thought we were capable of. It’s how we push through a hard day at work when we know we can’t take time off. 
Or how we skip the beautiful dessert tray at a decadent restaurant.
Pay attention to when you draw on this source. When does it work best for you? When do you feel it wane? I find that my will power is strongest in the morning, so that’s when I schedule things I know I’ll need a little push to get through.
Your willpower is a valuable resource, so get familiar with it. Maybe it struggles if you’re hungry. You could keep some healthy snacks on hand to get you through difficult times. View it as one of your closest friends. Treasure it, nurture it and you’ll be able to count on it down the line.

As you start to tackle items on your list, pay attention to when thoughts of procrastination start to creep into your mind. If you find yourself thinking "I don't feel like doing this now" or "I'll have time to work on this later," then you need to recognize that you are about to procrastinate. Instead of giving into the urge, force yourself to spend at least a few minutes working on the task. In many cases, you might find that it is easier to complete once you get started.

Remember: If it was easy, everyone would be good at it

Make this your mantra. What you’re doing is extremely difficult, so try to be as understanding as you can with yourself.When I’m pushing my limits, I notice I get really crabby and angry at myself. I should be able to handle this, I think. That’s when I know it’s time to have a heart-to-heart with my brain. I’m allowed to make mistakes. I’m allowed to take time off. This isn’t easy.Be kind to yourself, especially when first starting on your journey toward improving your discipline. It’s a long road, and if you start out by putting yourself down, you’re not going to make it very far. Hard work is hard work. Don’t make it more difficult with negative self-talk.

Discipline is one of those fundamental skills that make life easier and can help your dreams come true. The more you sharpen it, the better that tool will become. Over time, you’ll be able to do anything you set your mind to.Keep in mind that everything you procrastinate today only compounds tomorrow’s pressure. To be motivated toward your goal requires you to have strong “motive” and move. Decide what you want. What tasks must be done in order for you to accomplish your goals, dreams and aspirations? Act now. Don’t wait another day. The future is now.

“We conquer by continuing.”

1 comment:

  1. Good one. Cup of inspiration, few tea spoon of motivation, filled with ideas & tit bits a gulp of this could stop procrastination. - Sam
