Humans are the only species to show a strong bias in handedness, with around 90% of people being right-handed. The cause of this bias remains largely a mystery .Researchers haven’t quite figured that out yet, but some believe it’s a complex collaboration between genes and environment. There isn’t a distinct gene that indicates left-handedness; however, there is a difference between brain capabilities in righties and lefties.
A genetic study has identified a biological process that influences whether we are right-handed or left-handed. Scientists found correlations between handedness and a network of genes involved in establishing left-right asymmetry in developing embryos.The most strongly associated, statistically significant variant with handedness is located in the gene PCSK6, which is involved in the early establishment of left and right in the growing embryo.

The connection between the left brain and the right brain is "somewhat larger and better connected in left-handers. So what does this mean? It could mean that left-handers have a slight advantage in sports, gaming and other activities in which players face large volumes of stimuli being thrown at them simultaneously or in quick succession. Theoretically, they could more easily use both hemispheres of the brain to manage that stimuli, resulting in faster overall processing and response time.
Some researchers believe lefties are capable of more complex reasoning, which is why there's a particularly high number of lefty Noble Prize winners, artists, writers, architects, musicians, and mathematicians. Others theorize that lefties are forced to find solutions in order to survive in a right-dominated world, which means they experience extra mental resilience.
Strengths of Righties vs. Lefties
Right-handed AKA left-brained people tend to be have higher
- Logic,Analysis,Sequencing,Linear,Mathematics,Language
- Facts,Thinking in words,Remembering words of songs,Computation
- Creativity,Imagination,Holistic Thinking,Intuition,Arts (Motor skills)
- Rhythm (Beats),Non-verbal expression,Expressing feelings,Visualization,Remember the tune of songs,Daydreaming.
Yet a number of questions remain, including whether there are selective advantages for right over left handedness that are strong enough to explain why almost the entire human species skews to the right, and is such advantages exist, why 15% of humans remain stubbornly left-handed.The handedness mystery continues!!!
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