Do you know that your dreams can give you real insight into what is going on inside you? That you have several dreams a night, even if you don’t remember them? That they show you stories about yourself in a kind of metaphor language that is easy to learn? That they can become your own inner counsellor, giving you continuous feedback on your life? One interesting type of dream is that in which we are communicating with others on some level. If you wake up and feel that you were having a discussion or communicating with someone you know, you may, in fact, have truly been doing just that. In these communication dreams – or communication experiences – the person being engaged in dialogue can be living or “dead.” Some communication can come in the form of guidance and can be coming from our spirit guides (or guardian angels, angelic presences, or whatever terminology you wish to use).
Some dreams are “psychic” dreams, in which we receive information we have no other concrete way of knowing. These include precognitive dreams that can give us information about the future, as well as clairvoyant (French for clear-seeing) dreams that can give us glimpses of things going on in the “real world” while we are dreaming. Some dreams are mainly expressing fears or desires we may have, especially those that may be lying below our conscious awareness. These dreams serve to make us consciously aware of these fears or desires so that we may work on them, and these dreams may also represent our actually working on these issues at an unconscious level.
Believing that you have seen the future in a dream is surprisingly common, with recent surveys suggesting that around a third of the population experience this phenomenon at some point in their lives.
In 1865, two weeks before he was shot dead, Abraham Lincoln had a psychic dream about a funeral at the White House. In the dream, he asked someone who was in the casket and they replied, "the president of the United States". He told his wife about the dream but neither of them took it to heart - for on the night of his assassination he gave his bodyguard the night off.
When the Titanic sunk in 1912, hundreds of people came forward with reports of psychic dreams about the demise of the great ship. Amazingly, it was possible to validate at least 19 of them, including one date-stamped letter.
Extensive research has been done to explore the various facets of precognitive dreaming. It has been observed that precognitions are associated with that part of the brain which controls feelings. It has been found that individuals with a creative bent of mind receive precognitions of better clarity. Also, the rate of those precognitions turning true is higher in creative people. It is also observed that individuals who practice yoga or meditation on a regular basis receive clearer precognitions of the future and the rate of those turning true is again higher in them. This means, you have chances of receiving precognitions about things you are best tuned to. Greater emotional involvement in someone or something leads your mind to imagine future occurrences pertaining to that person or object, which might give you a feel of having precognitions about them. And they may turn true; sometimes for occult reasons, sometimes for reasons clearly seen and at times, it's sheer coincidence.
Being deeply involved in a situation increases the chances of having precognitions about its outcome. If you want to know about the outcome or future of something, merely expecting precognitions won't work. Instead, sleep over the thought, register it deeply in your mind, and your subconscious will start processing the thought. The next morning, the answer or idea might just come to you through, what could be called a precognitive dream.
The fact that a lot of your dreams come true, does not mean that all dreams come true. I theorize that our subconscious is connected to a common conciousness, but for all we know, it is all in our heads. And even if it isn't all in our heads, and we get impressions from a source outside of ourself, it would all be interpreted by our mind, with the initial idea possibly lost or warped in translation. In addition, our minds are infinitely creative and full of ideas and imagery that would either overshadow other impressions, or mingle with them, making it impossible to tell fact from fiction.
Most people grow up learning to ignore and question things as gut feeling/intuition and mystical profound thoughts/ideas/experiences. As a result, we don't know how to listen to these things, and I believe that one has to be careful when one starts listening, as paranoia, fears and other unhealthy thoughts from one's subconscious can disguise themselves as truths, omens, things to consider, things to be afraid of.
Be open to things.. but don't be afraid:)
Good article. Its nice to have a dream, follow your dream. You need to work on it to make it a reality.