It’s important to understand how your brain contributes to the state of your mind. While most of us focus on looking at our emotions in an
attempt to become happier, more spiritual beings, our brains waves and our
subconscious mind also play a key part in our quest for fulfillment.
Are We The Controllers Of Our Reality?
We easily forget that we are the controllers of our reality
– and that “our reality” is not made up of outside influences, but that it
actually consists of our thoughts, beliefs and mindset.Therefore, by learning about the deeper states of
consciousness, you can open your subconscious mind and create your reality at
will, and with precision.
To do that, the first step is understanding your
different brain frequencies. Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and each frequency is
measured in cycles per second (Hz) and has its own set of characteristics
representing a specific level of brain activity and a unique state of
Power Of Alpha Waves
Have you ever wondered why some people can see things that
others can’t, know what’s going to happen before it does, describe a remote
place they have never seen before, read other people’s minds, heal themselves
using only mental imagery or read a person like a book though he never met him
Most of the people who exhibited one or a combination of the
above mental abilities were not psychics or clairvoyants, but ordinary
individuals like office workers (e.g. housewives, accountants, clerks, computer
analysts, salesmen), professionals,
(e.g. doctors, lawyers, engineers, nurses, businessmen) and even members of the
clergy (e.g. Christian priests, nuns, lay ministers).What is common among all
the above individuals? They are able to completely focus their minds on a
single task at a time, completely relax their body and reduce their brain waves
to at least the alpha rhythm (about seven to 14 cycles per second). Alpha
appears to bridge the conscious to the subconscious. It is the major rhythm
seen in normal relaxed adults - it is present during most of life especially
beyond the thirteenth year when it dominates the resting tracing.
Alpha rhythms are
reported to be derived from the white matter of the brain. The white matter can
be considered the part of the brain that connects all parts with each other.
Alpha is a common state for the brain and occurs whenever a person is alert (it
is a marker for alertness and sleep), but not actively processing information.
They are strongest over the occipital (back of the head) cortex and also over
frontal cortex. Alpha has been linked to extroversion (introverts show less),
creativity (creative subjects show alpha when listening and coming to a
solution for creative problems), and mental work.
When your alpha is within normal
ranges we tend to also experience good moods, see the world truthfully, and
have a sense of calmness. Alpha is one of the brain's most important frequency
to learn and use information taught in the classroom and on the job. You can
increase alpha by closing your eyes or deep breathing or decrease alpha by
thinking or calculating. Alpha-Theta training can create an increase in
sensation, abstract thinking and self-control. In our car scenario, Alpha would
represent neutral or idle. Alpha allows us to shift easily from one task to
Alpha brain wave - what makes it so
powerful and special?
Let me explain it in as simple manner as I understand it
from a layman’s point of view. Neuroscientists have long ago discovered that
brain cells, called neurons, produced electricity. This electrical nature of
the neuron enabled scientists to determine or measure their different
electrical patterns or waves. A piece of medical equipment called an
electroencephalograph (EEG), invented by Dr. Hans Berger, showed that these
neurons have rhythms or cycles.Each of these brain waves has its own characteristics or
properties. But for now, let us focus on the alpha brain wave, although in
practice these brain waves may overlap.
Normally, when we slow down our brain
waves by relaxation or meditation, they eventually settle down to delta, which
is the unconscious or sleep state. However, if we can slow down or reduce the
frequency of our brain waves without falling asleep (which is one of the keys
to understanding its powers), then a person can perform certain mental tasks at
one brain wave level which he cannot do at other brain wave levels.With Further practice he can change his Future.
For example, at the alpha level, he or she can project his
or her consciousness or awareness into the future and know what’s going to
happen before it does (technically called precognition). He can project his
consciousness into the past and know what happened without being there (called
retrocognition). He can project his awareness to another person and know what
he is thinking of (through telepathy). He can project his awareness to a
distant place he has never been to before and describe it accurately (through
remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance). He can also heal himself and others
through mental imagery or visualization.
How is this possible?
Because it is believed that at the alpha level, the brain waves, the
left brain hemisphere and those of the right, are synchronized. And when this
happens, he is able to consciously tap the tremendous powers and knowledge
hidden in the subconscious mind. Therefore, training ourselves to think at the
alpha level without falling asleep offers tremendous benefits and powers for
everyone. The alpha rhythm is important not only because it enables us
to perform some incredible things with our brains, but also, being in that
state can boost our immune system and thus keep us healthy. Going into alpha
also removes stress and increases mental ability. But it needs to be practiced.
It is said that Aristotle used to lie in bed with a ball in his hand so that when he would fall asleep the ball would drop and bang a copper plate below. The noise would wake him up, keeping him in a quasi state of sleep and consciousness. This is perhaps the time when he generated his best ideas and insights.
We can naturally enter the alpha flow when we are slowly and naturally wakening up. As we awaken, and just lie in bed and consciously allow our thoughts to free associate on topics of interest. This is particularly easy when we have no pressure to get out of bed, such as a weekend…and when we do not use an alarm clock to wake us up.
A Good one Jpriya.......