Wednesday 13 November 2013

Choose to Be Positive!!!!!

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” -Buddha

You experience and create all kinds of different energies that affect how you feel and what you accomplish throughout your day. Some energies are powerful and easily recognizable, while others are more subtle and often only intuitively felt. I believe it is fair to say that everything is, in a sense, energy.

The things you say, the things you think, the things you do—even the things you don’t do—all produce energy that impacts you and the people around you. If you work on creating more positive energy, you’ll see improvements in your life, and you’ll touch more lives than you thought possible.

So what do I mean by energy?

I like to think of energy as anything that invokes a reaction inside you. In other words, anything that makes you tick, ponder, feel or react. Energy comes to us in different forms. The chair you’re sitting on, the music you’re listening to, or the book you just finished reading, all provoke some sort of reaction within you.

Take music for example. How does your favorite song make you feel? What type of energy do you enjoy most from music?

Take a break from reading this, close your eyes for the entire music, and see what you feel. Music is one of the most powerful and recognizable forms of energy, which is perhaps why it is grounded in so many sacred traditions. A powerful musician can create the same sensations in many different people.

Becoming Energized!

Music is the easiest way to shift your energy quickly. Athletes often listen to certain songs before games to help channel adrenaline; artists listen to music to help get their creative juices flowing; and many writers write with the help from music. While music is the easiest way to understand this concept, it is definitely not the only way to become energized.

Often, when I wake up I fling the curtains open and let the sun flood into the room. This is a great way to become energized first thing in the morning. I don’t let rain sap my energy, though. If it’s raining, I try to be fully aware of the beauty before me so it becomes a positive influence, as well.

Maybe I’ll follow a few raindrops down the window, or watch the ripples form in a puddle below me; either way, I’m fully present. I find being present is the most important thing if you want to feel energy in a positive way. When you are here and now, everything is beautiful energy!

Why focus on positive energy?

Positive energy is contagious. When you constantly take in the positive energy from your surroundings, it will be visible in the outer world.Start Believing that you are making your Day and you radiate Positive energy.You can feel the difference in your day to day life.To make room for the positive energy available in this moment, you’ll need to release negative energy you’re holding onto from the past—be it distant or recent.

so the thought cultivation process is most important we create our mind set..positive or negative attitude...this made me to think several times about the energy levels I have read in Myth-buster Database about a research they conducted  with three set of plants .one set of plants they watered it daily and then other set of plants along with water they  added positive prayers /music to it saying the growth of this plant will be tremendous..and other set of plants they watered it and added negative energy saying this will not grow properly..and then after couple of weeks..the positive energy plants has grown well..the natural watered plants growth was at  average level and the negative energy plants growth was Poor.If this is the scenario for plants then just think about human brain!!

so always there is some radiation of energy around us..and what kind of energy we shed out is more important..u think good about others and it gets think bad about others that also gets reflected.I remember a tale which I read some time back..there was a old man who gave peanuts to birds daily..and all colorful birds came and took peanuts form his day...his grandson asked him to get a colorful bird to the next day the old man awaited for the birds to come but none of the birds turned out.

Because till the day before he had only one thought ie., to feed the birds..but the next day..his mind was fully occupied with negative thoughts of catching a colorful this thought radiation has propagated and has reached the birds and none of the birds turned don't u think..that it is not the world....creating obstacles in your is .whatever stone is thrown towards your path...make it a stepping stone.

How to Do this?
Simple always wear a Smile in your face.Do not try to recall any incident that makes you to lose your energy.We are watching t.v and some boring program is telecasted.we immediately change the channel and try to focus on some better good Program.Well Exactly the same fact you need to apply in your day to day life.the moment you feel making you to feel bad ,uncomfortable immediately tune your mind.Either start thinking about the Good things they have done to you..or try to recall some incident which will make you more energetic.

Think that your brain is the T.V and your thoughts are the need to tune your thoughts to make your brain energetic.More than anything first you should start believing that you are able to control your thought process and fine tune yourself towards the Positive Energetic Thinking!!!!!


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