Monday, 30 December 2013

Change Your Glasses And See the World!!!!

  Over and over I have heard the saying, “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.” There are days that we wonder is life worth living if we have to get up every day and fight to be strong? We look enviously at others who seem to not struggle and wonder why God seems to bless those that can handle so little, and curse those of us who are so strong.Let me tell you something that may come as a surprise. God does give us more than we can handle. Every day He may place us in the position where the pain is too much to bear. Why? Because we were never meant to do this life without Him! He gives you more than you can handle–but not how much you and He–together–can handle.

         There will be days when you may wake up and think, I can’t do this. I cannot keep living this way. Why is life worth living if I can’t meet the expectations of others or even myself? I cannot figure out how to get rid of this darkness that haunts me.I cannot Manage.I cannot Handle.

Olympic runner Marla Runyan never let her disability slow her down. Born in 1969 in Santa Maria, California, Runyan has Stargardt’s disease, a degenerative eye condition that caused her to become legally blind. A three-time national champion in the women’s 5000 meter, Runyan competed in the 1500-meter finals at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
The most famous visually-impaired person of all time was Helen Keller, a woman who overcame virtually insurmountable obstacles to live not only an ordinary life, but an extraordinary one.

During her lifetime, Keller traveled the world, met 12 presidents, received several honorary doctorate degrees and countless awards, including the being elected to the Women’s Hall of Fame. In 1962, Keller and Sullivan’s story was made into an Oscar-winning movie with “The Miracle Worker.”Known for her inspiring speeches about overcoming all obstacles.

            It is not necessary that only History /Internet/Books can teach you about people who have struggled enough to come up in their life.If you look at the world around you with wider lens there are people who struggle in their day to day life to come up....who can make you stronger enough to face your problems who can definitely change your though process.

            One fine Monday I was waiting for bus,I heard some one asking me for bus directions I turned It was a Lady ,she asked me to inform her once the straight bus to Porur comes.Near by her husband was standing he was also blind.Within few minutes their bus came I informed her and I tried to help her to board the bus she denied in Gentle way and replied back We can manage.I too got into the same bus and saw people were quietly watching them no body was ready to offer  a seat.I was about to request a person to get up and give seat for them..but the lady interrupted me and said..itz fine We can handle..we are used to it…we can get through this crowd. They both had a bright smile in their face after some time the blind couple got down and started walking on the road happily chit chatting. All she expected from me was the confirmation of bus number alone!Nothing else!

                When some one whom we depend upon so much denies to help us we immediately feel bad and Dejected. We always think /bother about the temporary darkness in our life..but there are people with permanent darkness still they are able to maintain a bright smile in their face..When you change your glasses you can look at brighter side of the world..But these people have no Glasses to look at the brighter side of the world but yet they visualize it through their will power,self determination,confidence.“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

Can your dreams predict the future?


 Do you know that your dreams can give you real insight into what is going on inside you? That you have several dreams a night, even if you don’t remember them? That they show you stories about yourself in a kind of metaphor language that is easy to learn? That they can become your own inner counsellor, giving you continuous feedback on your life? One interesting type of dream is that in which we are communicating with others on some level. If you wake up and feel that you were having a discussion or communicating with someone you know, you may, in fact, have truly been doing just that. In these communication dreams – or communication experiences – the person being engaged in dialogue can be living or “dead.” Some communication can come in the form of guidance and can be coming from our spirit guides (or guardian angels, angelic presences, or whatever terminology you wish to use).

              Some dreams are “psychic” dreams, in which we receive information we have no other concrete way of knowing. These include precognitive dreams that can give us information about the future, as well as clairvoyant (French for clear-seeing) dreams that can give us glimpses of things going on in the “real world” while we are dreaming. Some dreams are mainly expressing fears or desires we may have, especially those that may be lying below our conscious awareness. These dreams serve to make us consciously aware of these fears or desires so that we may work on them, and these dreams may also represent our actually working on these issues at an unconscious level.

              Believing that you have seen the future in a dream is surprisingly common, with recent surveys suggesting that around a third of the population experience this phenomenon at some point in their lives.

In 1865, two weeks before he was shot dead, Abraham Lincoln had a psychic dream about a funeral at the White House. In the dream, he asked someone who was in the casket and they replied, "the president of the United States". He told his wife about the dream but neither of them took it to heart - for on the night of his assassination he gave his bodyguard the night off.

When the Titanic sunk in 1912, hundreds of people came forward with reports of psychic dreams about the demise of the great ship. Amazingly, it was possible to validate at least 19 of them, including one date-stamped letter.

           Extensive research has been done to explore the various facets of precognitive dreaming. It has been observed that precognitions are associated with that part of the brain which controls feelings. It has been found that individuals with a creative bent of mind receive precognitions of better clarity. Also, the rate of those precognitions turning true is higher in creative people. It is also observed that individuals who practice yoga or meditation on a regular basis receive clearer precognitions of the future and the rate of those turning true is again higher in them. This means, you have chances of receiving precognitions about things you are best tuned to. Greater emotional involvement in someone or something leads your mind to imagine future occurrences pertaining to that person or object, which might give you a feel of having precognitions about them. And they may turn true; sometimes for occult reasons, sometimes for reasons clearly seen and at times, it's sheer coincidence.

          Being deeply involved in a situation increases the chances of having precognitions about its outcome. If you want to know about the outcome or future of something, merely expecting precognitions won't work. Instead, sleep over the thought, register it deeply in your mind, and your subconscious will start processing the thought. The next morning, the answer or idea might just come to you through, what could be called a precognitive dream.

           The fact that a lot of your dreams come true, does not mean that all dreams come true. I theorize that our subconscious is connected to a common conciousness, but for all we know, it is all in our heads. And even if it isn't all in our heads, and we get impressions from a source outside of ourself, it would all be interpreted by our mind, with the initial idea possibly lost or warped in translation. In addition, our minds are infinitely creative and full of ideas and imagery that would either overshadow other impressions, or mingle with them, making it impossible to tell fact from fiction.

         Most people grow up learning to ignore and question things as gut feeling/intuition and mystical profound thoughts/ideas/experiences. As a result, we don't know how to listen to these things, and I believe that one has to be careful when one starts listening, as paranoia, fears and other unhealthy thoughts from one's subconscious can disguise themselves as truths, omens, things to consider, things to be afraid of.      
Be open to things.. but don't be afraid:)

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Procrastination - Wanna Over come ???

Have you ever looked at a 2-inch thick book you want to read but just the thickness of it discourages you from even wanting to begin to read?This is the reason why I believe in focusing on the positive of the outcome such as the knowledge you will get, not in the thickness of the book!

Same thing happens with any other objectives or goals, we look at the many things we need to do instead of the positive outcome it will bring us.You are looking at the multitude of processes you need to get done to achieve your objective!Look and concentrate on the end result instead!Imagine it, see it as done and feel as if you have already achieved it.Do this and you will be on your way to getting procrastination out of the way.

Hate Your Job?

Do you know one of those people out there hating what they do in their jobs on a daily basis? Perhaps this is even you…

I’m going to give you a new perspective to help you out…:)Set yourself a goal, and make part of that goal to do something you love and enjoy doing, something you’re passionate about…You can’t go wrong with this if you persevere and are determined.

But what about your current job that you hate or someone you know hates?See it instead as a stepping stone that will help you reach your goal!Focus not on hating it but being grateful for it for allowing you to reach your next step on reaching something you will love doing.Believe me, this alone will add more meaning to your life…Get out of survival mode and add a dream to your life and you will see.

The possibilities are endless.Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.Do what you can, with what you have, where you are... : )
If you have the excuse that you don't have time to improve yourself, this is what I recommend.

There were times when I thought I couldn't go on, but I forced myself to keep going. I realized that success is greatly based on persistence, not luck.Decide in advance what blocks of time you'll allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Then schedule your work hours using whatever time is left. This can reduce the urge to procrastinate because you work will not encroach on your leisure time, so you don't have to procrastinate on work in order to relax and enjoy life. I caution against overusing this strategy, however, as your work should normally be enjoyable enough that you're motivated to do it.

No matter how good of a business person you are or how motivated you might be about reaching your goals, there will always be times when you just plain don’t want to get to work. Maybe it’s a big project you’re stalling on at the office or maybe you’re staring down the end of the second week in a row you’ve skipped your gym workouts. Whatever the case, the moral of the story is that you need a way to break through your procrastination – and you need it fast!

When you find yourself stuck in this rut, try any of the following tips to help you overcome procrastination.

Make a List

Start by creating a to-do list with things that you would like to accomplish. If necessary, put a date next to each item if there is a deadline that you need to meet. Estimate how long each task will take to complete, and then double that number so that you don't fall into the cognitive trap of underestimating how long each project will take.

Find the little tricks that motivate you

 What is one tiny thing you could do to push yourself toward the action you don’t feel like doing?When I don’t feel like working out, I know the easiest way to get me to do it is to try doing Yoga. When I don’t feel like working on my Defects, thinking about the Time I will have to leave and duration I will have to wait for Cab :) if I don't fix it will make me more in the mood to continue my work .By employing these baby steps, you can often convince yourself you actually do want to finish that project, clean the bathroom or organize a fundraiser. It’s just a matter of taking one step. Sooner or later, you’ll want to put another foot in front of that one.
When you are faced with a big project, you might feel daunted, intimidated, or even hopeless when you look at the sheer amount of work involved. At this point, take individual items on your list and break them down into a series of steps. If you need to write a paper for class, what steps do you need to follow? If you are planning a big family event, what are the things you need to do and what supplies do you need to obtain? Once you have created a list detailing the process you need to go through in order to accomplish the task, you can start working on individual "baby steps."

Ask yourself why

Look deeply into the reason you want to quit. Implore yourself: Why don’t I want to start? Chances are the answer isn’t that you’re being lazy (although those rainy days make it hard for me to get moving), it’s that you’re afraid.Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of criticism. These are huge stumbling blocks for many of us. I had a hard time writing this article; I kept putting it off. It finally dawned on me that I was worried about being criticized.Once I recognized that I was acting out of fear instead of being frustrated with my procrastination, I could take real action. I gave myself a pep talk, reminding myself of previous times I’d written well with minimal, and mostly constructive, criticism.Recognizing when you’re acting out of fear gives you compassion for yourself, giving you the opportunity to move forward instead beating yourself down and holding yourself back.

Recognize triggers that diminish your discipline
It's hard to get any real work done when you keep turning your attention to what's on television or you keep checking your friends Facebook status updates. Assign yourself a period of time during which you turn off all distractions – such as music, television, and social networking sites – and use that time to focus all of your attention on the task at hand.


This might seem like a no-brainer, but I can’t tell you the number of times I just forget to focus. I’ll be in the middle of writing and suddenly I’ll be reading a blog post. Or mucking around on FaceBook. How did I get here, I wonder.
When I notice myself doing this, I say the word outloud. “Focus.” Often that’s all it takes for me to return to the task at hand with renewed vigor. Giving yourself a command out loud tends to wake you up a little.

Envision yourself being finished with the task
This one works great for me if I’m really struggling. Generally I’m one of those people who will finish something once I start, so if I’m entertaining the idea of quitting half-way through, I know I need to play some mind games :).
During a particularly grueling workout, I really considered calling it quits. I had worked hard enough, I told myself. I took a minute and saw myself eating a big chocolate Ice Cream ,Listening to Rock n Roll. It did the trick.
See yourself celebrating after you finish a project at work. Peer into your mind’s eye and you’ll find you’re enjoying a good book in your newly painted living room. Often this is just the thing to get you moving in the right direction.

Get to know your willpower

Willpower is a critical part of discipline, although they aren’t exactly the same thing. Discipline is what gets you out of bed every morning to train for that marathon. Willpower is what you need when you had a bad night’s sleep, it’s cold and your bed couldn’t be cozier.
We all have a power source within us that can push us beyond what we thought we were capable of. It’s how we push through a hard day at work when we know we can’t take time off. 
Or how we skip the beautiful dessert tray at a decadent restaurant.
Pay attention to when you draw on this source. When does it work best for you? When do you feel it wane? I find that my will power is strongest in the morning, so that’s when I schedule things I know I’ll need a little push to get through.
Your willpower is a valuable resource, so get familiar with it. Maybe it struggles if you’re hungry. You could keep some healthy snacks on hand to get you through difficult times. View it as one of your closest friends. Treasure it, nurture it and you’ll be able to count on it down the line.

As you start to tackle items on your list, pay attention to when thoughts of procrastination start to creep into your mind. If you find yourself thinking "I don't feel like doing this now" or "I'll have time to work on this later," then you need to recognize that you are about to procrastinate. Instead of giving into the urge, force yourself to spend at least a few minutes working on the task. In many cases, you might find that it is easier to complete once you get started.

Remember: If it was easy, everyone would be good at it

Make this your mantra. What you’re doing is extremely difficult, so try to be as understanding as you can with yourself.When I’m pushing my limits, I notice I get really crabby and angry at myself. I should be able to handle this, I think. That’s when I know it’s time to have a heart-to-heart with my brain. I’m allowed to make mistakes. I’m allowed to take time off. This isn’t easy.Be kind to yourself, especially when first starting on your journey toward improving your discipline. It’s a long road, and if you start out by putting yourself down, you’re not going to make it very far. Hard work is hard work. Don’t make it more difficult with negative self-talk.

Discipline is one of those fundamental skills that make life easier and can help your dreams come true. The more you sharpen it, the better that tool will become. Over time, you’ll be able to do anything you set your mind to.Keep in mind that everything you procrastinate today only compounds tomorrow’s pressure. To be motivated toward your goal requires you to have strong “motive” and move. Decide what you want. What tasks must be done in order for you to accomplish your goals, dreams and aspirations? Act now. Don’t wait another day. The future is now.

“We conquer by continuing.”

Discover your Life Purpose !!!


How many times have you been around those who complain just about everything and anything, people who make huge end of the world type of deals out of a small and insignificant things? Or those who speak of their illnesses, how bad the world is, how bad the economy is, the countless bad news showing up on television, gossiping about other people, and criticizing others?

You have no control over how other people should be, it is their free-will after all to be whomever and however they want to be like. For this same reason you are not forced yourself to be around people that simply make you uncomfortable and are especially energy draining individuals.

Everything that you pay attention to and put your energy to, always has an effect. This effect can be productive and generally good for you or it could be the opposite, unproductive and draining. The people you surround yourself with on a daily basis has a very strong influence and effect especially in the long run.

The experiences you live with others have a “programmatic” effect that stays recorded within you and affect your own actions and thinking in a good or bad way. If you associate with people that are generally negative as described above, then you will most likely develop yourself with beliefs that are in a negative harmony with the “energy” you surround yourself with.

So pay attention to who you surround and interact with regularly, know that you have control over your own actions and can therefore chose to leave, terminate a relationship and simply move on.It is good to be informed but an over-saturation of negative information whether its true or not, will only bring you to that level and ultimately stress the heck out of you.

In contrast, if you surround with people who have a positive demeanor-those who motivate, encourage, and uplift you, you will notice the difference. Feeling motivated, optimistic, energized is likely to lead to better experiences giving you the drive and courage to look at life in a different perspective, one where even in problems and adversity, there is always something to learn to help your new experiences down the road.

If you’re on a road full of negative feelings, such as stress and the fight against productivity, it is time to explore what you really want to do in your life. By exploring what you want to achieve more, is when you start to recognize your dream. The answer is within you. Your job is to listen and discover an intention clear and detailed that it is what you want.

Use positive affirmations every day.

All statements must be included in the present tense. The indication of a desire in the future means that are waiting for what you want. You must stay in the moment. Each statement must be positive. The universe always gives you what you ask.

Shorter statements are more influential in the subconscious mind. You only have to say it. Post them as visual reminders places, whether in your home, office, or in your car.Previewing your statements is another component of the law. By saying your affirmations every day, and enjoying the view of what is stated is true! Your emotions will follow.

Now this is the most important, “Believe”. Without believing it really feels like to achieve your goals, the rest does not matter. You have to feel and see how it feels now. The more often you can imagine and be there, then your subconscious knows how to get there.


If you’re meditating, Theta brainwave state is communicating with your subconscious giving more vivid imagery than we imagine as your desires and goals (theta brainwave state occurs between 4 Hz-8 Hz. Experience increased welfare state). You are able to visualize yourself living the life with the things you want. This is your chance to “re-assign” or “reprogram” your mind through Theta. Otherwise, your dream will remain just that.

Take Action

This step is very funny! At some point, you have thought of a book, a place, an idea, no matter. As your mind focuses on it, thoughts, ideas and inspirations begin to flow from the Universe. If you feel good about it, then you will take action. If the idea is a hobby, then check out places that offer courses. If you want to visit Paris, looking brochures, looking for packages that include a ticket and tickets, hotels, city breaks, how long you want to stay, and what you would like to see or know. Thinking specifically about your trip, influence your subconscious that you really want to travel to Paris.

Everything is Energy

There is always energy flowing in anything and everything whether you recognize it or not. You can see it as light in electricity and the sun, feel it in movement, spirituality, the table that has the energy to hold your plate while you eat, a plant that gives oxygen, and positive feelings as well as negative. Everything has energy.

When you understand that YOU yourself have energy, then you begin to understand that you can chose to direct it to create the life you want, and the world you want. You are a human being that has the power to make great things happen! Simply look at history and all the great good things that have been created by men.

Enough of setting up your own excuses to limit yourself! Wake up to the energy you have within and go out there and CREATE! Make things happen! Use all the forms of energy that power your true being, forms like motivation, drive, and your passion! Do more of what you love doing and not let anything stop you because where there is a will there is a way.

You are a great being simply because you ARE! This may be hard to swallow but everything around you is only a perception from yourself, whether something like gold has value or not, or whether a person is good or evil. Change the meaning of what you give those perceptions and you can change the things!

The new paradigm is one of hope, love, understanding, elimination of barriers, and overall positive change. But it depends on every single one of us to give it momentum and keep making it a reality that will one day be prominent and noticeable among all people in the world.

You are the change you have been waiting for.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Law Of Attraction........!


         I believe that the ultimate gift in life is to be happy. Figuring out how to have inner peace and happiness in your life is better than any material object that you could ever dream of having.You could live in a beautiful mansion and have all money that you could ever imagine, but without happiness what is it all for.No one can be responsible for your happiness! Your own true happiness must come from within.As a child have you ever asked for something from your parents and after receiving it you wanted something bigger and better? You then you ask for something else and once you were finally told NO! You got upset.Have you ever felt like you have given your child everything that he or she wanted only for them to want more and more until you finally tell them NO, and they end up telling you that you never give them anything that they want?

Your spouse can’t make you happy. Your parent’s or your friends cannot make you happy.The law of attraction states that every positive or negative event that happened with you was attracted by you. Say that a special friend loaned you money when you didn't have any. You attracted that, even without your awareness of using the law. Say that teacher, classmate, client, or co-worker gave you a hard time during the day. You attracted that, too. Again, we are using the law every second of every day. You've even attracted reading this article! There are really only three basic steps: ask, believe, and receive. However, the point of this article is to break those three steps down into simpler, more concise ones.

Your goal in life should be to feel good. And having a positive mental attitude (PMA) is the only way to meet this goal. Napoleon Hill stated that "The only thing that you have control over is your mind."So if you want to change the circumstances of your life you need not worry about what's going on in the world or what other people are doing. The only thing that you need to worry about is tending to your own mind and thoughts.If you feel that you are in a dead end job or would like to do something different with your life. You should plan exactly how you would like to succeed. Set a goal. Decide what you would like to do or the position or title that you would like to hold and the money that you would like to make.Give your wants and desires a time limit for example two years, five years etc.Paint a picture of what you desire in your mind and hold that thought there for as long as you can. Visualize it often and your life in regards to that particularly experience will change.

Training yourself to have a positive mental attitude is not as hard as you think. We all know right from wrong and you can tell by the way your words or your actions makes you feel.We are all meant to be successful and to receive all that we want and desire and thinking negatively will hold you back from obtaining what you want.The way you've been thinking is a reflection of everything that you have attracted into your life thus far.Remember your thoughts are the only thing that you can control, and by practicing a positive mental attitude is the first step in changing your life for the better.

Step 1 Relax your mind. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. Doing this will increase brain power and have your mind at that relaxed state. This step is optional but recommended.

Step 2 Be sure about what you want and when you do decide don't doubt yourself. Remember that you're sending a request to the Universe which is created by thoughts and therefore responds to thoughts. Know exactly what it is that you want. If you're not clear/sure, the Universe will get an unclear frequency and will send you unwanted results. So be sure it is something you have strong enthusiasm for.

Step 3 Ask the Universe for it. Make your request. Send a picture of what you want to the Universe. The Universe will answer. See this thing as already yours. See How to Visualize. The more detailed your vision, the better.

Step 4 Write your wish down. Start with "I am so happy and grateful now that..." and finish the sentence (or paragraph) telling the Universe what it is that you want. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. Avoid negation terms. Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine your desire as if it's happening right now.

Step 5 Feel it. Feel the way you will now after receiving your wish. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now. This is actually the most important, powerful step in using the Law of Attraction because this is where it starts working, and sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you need it anymore because you FEEL like you already have it! and then the universe will manifest this thought and feeling and you will receive it.

Step 6 Show gratitude. Write down all the things the Universe has given you. Be thankful for what you already have and be thankful for all the things the Universe has given you. The Universe has done a lot of things for us. Paying the Universe back with some gratitude will motivate the Universe to do even more things and will draw more things into your life.

Step 7 Trust the Universe. Imagine an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like the real world but whatever you truly desire comes true in an instant. See yourself in that dimension, where whatever you ask the Universe for comes to you in an instant. Don't look for what you asked for; this is where people tend to mess up. If you have to keep an eye out for an event that manifests your wish, it's only telling the Universe you don't have it and you will attract...not having it. Be patient. Don't get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Don't stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you. When you take the Universe's job of worrying about the "how", this says you're lacking faith and that you're telling the Universe what to do when the Universe has far greater knowledge and power than human mankind.

I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed says Michael Jordan.

In order to succeed you must believe that you can do anything that you put your mind too. Set your goals and maintain a positive attitude and you will be successful at whatever it is that you desire.Remember life is what you make it and we are all learning new things everyday. Learn from every lesson, the good and the bad and strive to make your life better.When you think good thoughts, you will attract good things into your life and maintaining a positive mental attitude will help you to stay on your path to achieving all that you want and desire.

Monday, 2 December 2013

The Energy Bank - Jeeva Samadhis !!!!!

What is a Jeeva Samadhi?

 Jeeva or Sajeeva Samadhi means "becoming one" with the universal consciousness or merging with God or Divine or Light. It has different terms and is used as different words in different religions. Buddhists call it Nirvana and Christians call it ecstasy or 'merging with the spirit'. In samadhi one remains immersed in infinite bliss and the time one can remain in samadhi  ranges from few minutes to time infinite. There are many types of Samadhis but right now the focus would be only on Jeeva Samadhi.

After a divine person takes samadhi there are various ways of preserving or disposing the physical body or the sthula shareera.It may be:

  • Earth burial is Bhoo Samadhi
  • Water burial is Jal Samadhi
  • Fire cremation is Agni Samadhi or Agni Dah
  • The ancient times also followed other three methods of -  
  • The body being consumed by birds or wild beasts (followed by Parsis)
  • Being preserved in the caves.
  • The term "Siddha" comes from the word "siddhi" which means the experience of Siva. Siddhisvara, God of Siddhis, is a name of Siva.
All beings that have taken Jeeva Samadhi are Siddhas. Jeeva Samadhi means dissolving into Light when the tour of duty in a body is done, rather than allowing the body to die. To take the step into Jeeva Samadhi, the Siddhas body is vibrating at such a high and fast frequency it dissolves into Light. This tradition recognizes all
beings of all traditions that take Jeeva Samadhi as being a Siddha. This is in all religions famous 18 siddhas in Hinduism,Jesus the Christ, Mohammad, Elisha, Enoch, Ezekiel, the Buddhists that take a Rainbow Body and Mummifying (As in the Egyptian pyramids)

The Siddhas are said to have the triple control:

  • The control of breath,
  • The control of the seminal fluid, i.e. the control of all passions, 
  • The achievements of desire-less-ness – we are calling the control of mind.

A Siddha is one who has succeeded in stabilizing these controls in oneself, and maintains equanimity and a sense of equilibrium.A Siddha is one who has attainted siddhi, a special psychic and supernatural power, which is said to be eightfold in the science of yoga.

The eight siddhis are:
  1. anima, the ability to become as minute as an atom;
  2. mahima, the ability to expand infinitely;
  3. laghima, levitation or the ability to float through the air;
  4. garima, the ability to reach everywhere;
  5. prakamya, freedom of will, or the ability to overcome natural obstacles;
  6. isitva, the ability to create or control;
  7. vasitva, domination over the entire creation; and
  8. kamavasayitva, the gift of wish-fulfilment, or the ability of attaining everything desired or to attain the stage of desirelessness.
What happens in a Jeeva Samadhi?

Jeeva Samadhi can be achieved by only great yogis. This is a state where Siddhas enters live in to the samadhi state at their own will after completion of Their mission on earth and Their mind remaining fixed on the Divine, They stop the functioning of the body by will. This state can be done by them either after being enclosed or before enclosure, as They chose and as per the instructions They give to their disciples/followers. Stopping the body functions, the Siddha ensures by His spiritual achievement that the life does not go out of the body. This body will never decay for thousands of years because the magnetic force in the body now acts as the life force (prana) in this body. In this state of suspended animation the breathing and blood circulation completely stops but the pranic forces keep the body cells nourished and alive. Then as invisible forces, They continue guiding mankind towards spiritual upliftment.  There is a possibility that the Siddha can dematerialize his body from the tomb and materialize it elsewhere in some different location and carry out the mission for another span of years!

In Jeeva Samadhi, the physical body of the Siddha remains intact and alive for thousands of years. When a spiritual aspirant goes in the vicinity of the Jeeva Samadhi, he receives blessings and guidance from the Siddha emitting his divine energies. This is one of the ways of communicating with Siddhas. Now, the Jeeva Samadhi are nothing but energy fields and in the vicinity of the high energy fields, the seeker's consciousness also rises. Actually it is a very old custom in India that when one starts his spiritual journey within, he/she visits all saints and samadhis of saints and also the holy temples. There is a saying that if one even gets a glance of saints his sins would get burnt and thus he would be purified.

Every Siddha before taking Jeeva Samadhi gives specific instructions on how the tomb should be made and how their bodies must be placed and other instructions to that they can benefit the maximum to the world. Construct a good tomb.  Place his body facing south. He is Agni, the Fire God. Do not break open his head for He shall be at the service of devotees for the next 500 years."  Some Siddhas have different instructions specific for the kind of rituals to be done
On the samadhi like using certain mantras there, poojas, offering dhoop (thick smoke), feeding the poor in those locations, worship during certain days and time, etc. I learnt about a Siddha who instructed His body to be placed in such a way that when abhishekham was done on the idol the theertham would touch his body, which could then be offered to devotees!

Who gets benefited?

The point is that just going and visiting the Jeeva Samadhi will not be of any help. It is only when one is open and receptive that things happen. One has to approach with pure intentions and love for the Siddhas and to what they have to offer, then only the connection and grace would flow within. Sometimes I feel this is such a
beautiful way for Siddhas to lock the energies or avoid misuse. Everywhere the principle is the same. If one is not open and accept His grace, there is no way He can force it through one. Thus He always advises trust, faith and surrender. This works everywhere - even if one had to walk into a temple or a theerha sthan (sacred place). Meditating at Jeeva Samadhis in the 'right' way with the 'right' approach brings in the desired results and much beyond. It is better to spend atleast a minimum of 20-30 minutes at a Jeeva Samadhi in meditation. Knowing by now how the Siddhas work it would be foolish to say that one has to go to the physical vicinity of Jeeva Samadhis to receive their energies but one can even connect from wherever they are.

As I love travelling it has become a part of me to visit Jeeva Samadhis and do sadhana there. However, the main intent of sharing on Jeeva Samadhi is so that even if you ever come across one, you would not want to miss spending some time there and connecting to the Siddha and their loving and powerful energies.

Jeeva Samadhis are energy spots or energy banks supplying infinite amount of energy at all times. Such is Their compassion for all that they are alive only for others who silently work for the well being of the creation.Holy Siddhas who are spread all around the world in the form of Shree Chakra, the world would have moved by now rapidly towards doom. It is only due to their constant and silent efforts in the background that things are kept in balance. They have also averted many such dooms in the past created by human's ignorance. Jeeva Samadhi is one such way by them to create energy pockets at different locations.

If you have something bothering your mind,some problems which you are unable to solve,you do not have peace of mind then visit a Jeeva samadhi during weekends you can feel the change,you can sense the divine power.You can get the guidance from the divine soul.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Love Addiction

Obsessive Love Addiction

An obsessive love addiction is a serious problem which can derail a life. Read on to know about love of the extreme kind and what one can do to recover or help someone recover from such an addiction.

"A mind can make hell out of a heaven and heaven out of a hell" - John Milton

Obsessive love addiction is a grave problem, that can plague a mind and destroy a person. As John Milton, has said, a mind is its own place. When it loses balance, it can go into a self destruct mode, hurting a lot of people in the process. It is one such kind of imbalance, which can drive a person crazy, plunging him into the depths of depression and irrationality. It can turn something as sublime as love, into an irrepressible desire to own and conquer a person. It is a vicious irrational desire, which can only end in total annihilation, if not treated early. In psychological terminology, an obsessive love addiction can be classified as an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Nature of an Obsessive Love Addiction 

What is love? If you ask me, it's a tender feeling, which is a combination of adoration, attraction, affection, mutual respect, intimacy, sharing of core values, caring and camaraderie, that you have for a special person in your life. Everyone of us wants to be loved. Some are lucky to love someone and be reciprocated back with love, while some are unfortunate to be not. There are some who find love and lose it. In either case, there is a possibility, that the rejected one or the person who has been dumped from a relationship, may never recover from the depression and anger that follows.

When feelings are not reciprocated in love, life can be tough for a while and that is but natural. How people react to rejection in love, speaks a lot about them. This is the point where a man or woman is tested. A person could let go or he could keep holding on. This is the point where love can transform, into an obsessive addiction, when one decides not to let go.

That is also the point where it ceases to be love. It transforms into an irrational desire to own that person at all costs. An obsessive love addiction is the result of an ego being hurt and not a heart. When ego raises its ugly head, love is replaced by a desire to conquer and possess a person. Then a rejected lover can resort to stalking, violence and cause a lot of trouble. Obsessive love and stalking are always part of the pattern.

The people who are prone to show obsessive behavior in relationships, are the ones who have been deprived of love early on in their life. They are the ones who are vulnerable to an obsessive love disorder. They are usually deprived of the love and care that a person should get in his childhood. They usually turn out to be tough but cynical loners, who hide a soft and insecure mind under a tough exterior. They usually put up a lot of defenses so that nobody is able to invade their soft and emotional side.

When somebody does reach in and get through their defenses, they find the love that they have been deprived of, for so long. They find their world in the person, who is their new found love. What they have gotten after so long, they hold on to, very tightly. That is where the problem of obsessive behavior starts. They become extremely possessive about that person and demand that their partners be with them all the time. They literally smother their partners with love. The partner doesn't get enough of personal space and time. They are exasperated usually, in providing the love of a mother and a lover at the same time. The obsessive lover does not have a life besides them, but the partners may have a life of their own. Slowly, the partner starts feeling suffocated in the relationship and he/she wants to put an end to it. This is because the possessiveness turns it into an abusive relationship at times.

When these obsessive lovers are dumped finally, they cannot get over it, because they do not want to get over it. It is like their world has been taken away and they will fight to get it back. As I mentioned earlier, after that point, it's no longer love. It is just a selfish, irrational desire to conquer a person. This is what leads to an obsessive love addiction. This may not always be the scenario, but in most cases it is.


  • Depressed
  • Highly manipulative and controlling of others
  • Afraid to trust anyone in a relationship
  • Existence of a secret "double life"
  • Tendency to leave one relationship for another. (Inability to be without a relationship.)
  • Attempts to replace lost relationships with a new one immediately 
  • Using others, sex & relationships to alter mood or relieve emotional pain
  • Intense need to control self, others, circumstances
  • Insatiable appetite in area of difficulty (sex, love or attachment / need.)
  • Refusal to acknowledge existence of problem
  • Defining out-of-control behavior as normal
  • Hidden pain (i.e. abuse, neglect, separation, anxieties)

Ten Stages Of Love Addiction

1. Obsession. The individual is consumed by thoughts of romantic intrigue. The mind seems to whir away of its own accord, devises plots and plans to obtain the romantic high. Concentration is shattered, judgment impaired. Obsession begins the cycle that drives the individual to the next phase and beginnings the cycle that drives the individual to the next phase and intensifies as the process plays itself out.

An episode of obsessive thinking can be triggered by almost anything: meeting an attractive person; passing someone on the street; seeing a picture on a billboard; experiencing an emotional low point of self-pity or depression; even passing through a location where the obsession was triggered on a prior occasion. The very promises that the addict makes to avoid triggering the obsession can themselves serve as a trigger. It is truly a no-win situation.

2. The Hunt. The individual is driven to follow through on the obsession. Inevitably he begins to seek out something or someone that will satisfy that drive. If his object of choice is another person, he may cruise the singles’ bars. If he is hooked primarily on novels or movies, he will often go through rather elaborate rituals of selecting “just the right book” or video, setting the scene with music and dim lighting, and so on.

The stronger the obsession, the more diligent the hunt. This is another point at which interference with normal life becomes noticeable if it results in time away from work or home responsibilities. Only one of two things will stop the hunt: finding the object being sought; or being caught looking.

3. Recruitment. When the object of the hunt is something inanimate, like a book or movie, recruitment is as simple as a business transaction: buy the book or rent the video. When the object is another person, however, the recruitment phase is far more complex. Romance addicts become remarkably skillful at enlisting other people to play the necessary role to complete their romantic fantasy.

4. Gratification. Gratification occurs when the addict succeeds, by whatever means, at realizing her romantic fantasy. The book, the soap opera, the movie “does the trick.” Or the combination of soft music and candlelight enables her to play out a technicolor romantic dream in her mind. Or another person is found who responds positively to her advances. The “itch” has been scratched, at least for the moment.

5. Return to Normal. The immediate effect of gratification is a break in the obsessive thinking – and from the pain that fueled it – and a return to what feels like “normal” for a little while. The adrenalin rush recedes, the mind seems to clear. The addict feels peaceful.If it were possible to remain in this state, all might be well. But no one can remain in a state of perpetual bliss and freedom from stress. Inevitable, the pressures of real life build up again, and something triggers a new round of obsession, hunt, recruitment, and gratification.

6. Justification. The very fact of having “resolved” these problems by resorting to romantic fantasy or acting out frequently brings its own feelings of guilt and remorse. The addict then begins to justify his behavior. He convinces himself that what he did “wasn’t so bad,” that “everyone does it,” that it was “normal,” or at least “understandable” for someone with his unique circumstances and special needs. His self-talk sounds like this: “But I needed it. I deserved it. Besides, I really had no choice. It’s just the way I am. I was only doing what comes naturally to me.”In this phase particularly, the addict rationalizes what he has done to the victim. Even if the gratification involved another living, breathing, feeling human being, he depersonalizes the entire episode. Inn his mind the other person was not a “real” person at all, just a component in the staging of a complex romantic drama.

7. Blame. Most addicts cannot successfully rationalize their behavior without blaming someone for it. The addict will blame his parents, his spouse, someone from his past who has let him down, and lay his underlying pain at their feet. Fundamentally, he refuses to take responsibility for his own situation, but blames others for “driving” him to make the choices he makes.

8. Shame. But justifying and blame-shifting only go so far. Invariably the addict carries a residual awareness of what he has done – and of what his actions say about what kind of person he must be. Inevitably that awareness comes to the surface in the form of guilt over what he has done and shame over who he really is.The very nature of shame is that it be repressed, “stuffed” deep inside his mind and heart, rather than brought into the light and dealt with. Thus are sown deep seeds of self-loathing – seeds that will eventually give birth to the pain that launches the whole cycle all over again.

9. Despair. The experience of careening from high excitement at the outset of the cycle to shame and guilt at its conclusion, and the awareness that the cycle is unstoppable, produces hopelessness. When the fix is off, the addict’s whole world comes crashing down. The sense of pain or emptiness that originally fueled the addictive behavior is nothing compared to the agonies of depression and despair. And those agonies get worse with every trip through the cycle.

10. Promises. Because the pain is so great, the addict swears “never to do it again.” He will be different. He will thing differently. He will live a new life. He will never go to “those places” or read “those books” or watch “those programs” again. But the prospect of keeping all these promises – the same ones he has made, and promptly broken, so many times before – only heightens the sense of frustration and adds to the addict’s despair. He knows it is only a matter of time until the obsessive thoughts start t crowd in again and he will be caught in the addictive cycle once more.

Obsessive Love Treatment

Treating such an addiction is possible, if the person afflicted by it, realizes what he or she is doing is wrong and needs help. Help can be found in a good friend or a good counselor, who can bring them back to their senses and put them back on track. However, they can only show you the way. It is you who must realize the futility of the obsession and let go from within. Here are some tips that may help you out. Mental illnesses are more complex than physical disorders. They take time to be treated. Healing a mind is a tough job but it can be done with patience.

Understand What Real Love Is
When you love a person, you want him or her to be happy, with or without you. When you want to possess that person at all costs, despite him or her wanting to end the relationship, it ceases to be love. What follows is pure obsession, which is an outgrowth of 'self-love'. It shouldn't even be referred to as obsessive love, it's purely an obsession. Love can only be experienced, when there is no 'I' or ego involved. It's about giving, without the slightest thought of return. Obsession is a toxic thought that evolves out of a self-centered thinking process. Let go of it, by understanding the true meaning of love.

Your mind has gotten into a loop, a recursive flow of thoughts. The more you feed these thoughts, more they grow like a wildfire spreading into your mind, destroying peace. Your happiness lies in freedom from these obsessive thoughts. Strive to achieve emotional independence by focusing on making the best use of the present moment at hand. Live every moment, being mindful of what you are doing and your mind will slowly learn to stop running back into the past. Focus on the present and give it your best. Be patient, don't expect miraculous results, in a few days. Strive every day and mindfully focus on the present moment, making best use of your time.

Give out Love and Be Loved
Obsessive love, like any other addiction is a bad habit that a mind has gotten into. Any obsession ends when you realize the futility of it and take resolute action to prevent it. Realize what true love is. You have got only one shot at life, make the best use of the opportunity.

Smile An Everlasting Smile..A Smile Can Bring You Near To Me......

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."
-- Thich Nhat Hanh.

The very first thing people note when looking at me is my  SMILE :) Never underestimate the power of a smile. Use yours and you’ll find it helps to disperse sadness and dissolve stress. When dressing in the morning, remember  “Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.”smiling also makes us look good in the eyes of others. When we smile we not only appear more likeable and courteous, but we’re actually perceived to be more competent.

  • When you smile, you look good and feel good
  • When others see you smile, they smile too
  • When others smile, they look good and feel good too

Perhaps this is why Mother Teresa said: “I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.” What’s the catch? Only that the smile you give has to be big, and genuine!

Recently I made an interesting discovery while running – a simple act that made a dramatic difference and helped carry me through the most challenging segments of long distance runs: smiling. This inspired me to embark on a journey that took me through neuroscience, anthropology, sociology and psychology to uncover the untapped powers of the smile.

 I learned that we’re part of a naturally smiling species, that we can use our smiling powers to positively impact almost any social situation, and that smiling is really good for us.Surprisingly, we’re actually born smiling. 3-D ultrasound technology now shows that developing babies appear to smile even in the womb.After they’re born, babies continue to smile (initially mostly in their sleep) and even blind babies smile in response to the sound of the human voice.
Smiling is not just a universal means of communicating, it’s also a frequent one. More than 30% of us smile more than 20 times a day and less than 14% of us smile less than 5 times a day. In fact, those with the greatest superpowers are actually children, who smile as many as 400 times per day!Have you ever wondered why being around children who smile frequently makes you smile more often? Two studies from 2002 and 2011 at Uppsala University in Sweden confirmed that other people’s smiles actually suppress the control we usually have over our facial muscles, compelling us to smile. They also showed that it’s very difficult to frown when looking at someone who smiles.Why? Because smiling is evolutionarily contagious and we have a subconscious innate drive to smile when we see one. This occurs even among strangers when we have no intention to connect or affiliate with the other person. Mimicking a smile and experiencing it physically helps us interpret how genuine a smile is, so that we can understand the real emotional state of the smiler.

Expression Affects Emotion

In psychology, there is a theory entitled the "facial feedback" hypothesis. This hypothesis states that "involuntary facial movements provide sufficient peripheral information to drive emotional experience." The authors of another study wrote that "feedback from facial expression affects emotional expression and behavior." In simple terms, you may actually be able to improve your mood by simply smiling!

A number of research projects support this hypothesis. One study found that involuntary biological changes similar to those caused by emotions were experienced by participants who were instructed to make certain faces. A person told to make an angry face experienced increased blood flow to the hands and feet, which is also seen in those who are experiencing anger. Participants from another study involving posed faces reported more favorable impressions of other people when they were asked to smile.

A deep inner smile spreads like a relaxing elixir, making us receptive to transforming negative energy into positive. Conversely, a scowl suppresses the immune system by increasing stress and blocking energy. Research by French physiologist Dr Israel Waynbaum indicates that facial muscles used to express emotion trigger specific brain neurotransmitters. Smiling triggers happy healing hormones such as ecstatic endorphins and immune-boosting killer T-cells, whereas frowning triggers the secretion of stress hormones.Smile therapy lowers the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline and produces hormones that stabilise blood pressure, relax muscles, improve respiration, reduce pain, accelerate healing and stabilise mood.

1. If you’re feeling down, the stress hormones secreted with a scowl may increase blood pressure, weaken the immune system, increase susceptibility to infections and exacerbate depression and anxiety.But what if you don’t feel like smiling? Can you fake it till you make it? Though a heartfelt smile has a deeper effect, even a surface smile tricks the brain into releasing happy hormones, according to facial biofeedback research.

2. And the more you smile, the more you want to smile, concluded a study where participants were 
either prevented from smiling or encouraged to smile by holding a pencil in their mouth (those who held the pencil in their teeth and were able to smile rated cartoons as funnier than those who held the pencil in their lips and couldn’t smile).

3. This is because each time you smile, you reinforce happy neural pathways that fire more spontaneously with each subsequent use. Self-love smiling circuits then release healing nectar, while self-hate messages release toxins that breed disease, according to Taoism.

The smile trial
How often do you smile? Try the smile trial for a minute. Relax your face and let a subtle Mona Lisa smile spread from your eyes to your lips. Now frown and sense the emotional and energetic shift. Feel the difference? Considering it takes only 26 muscles to smile and 62 muscles to frown, why wear the strain of a scowl? As motivational speaker Les Giblin says, “If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no cheque book.”

Britain also has  smile statistics, with research revealing that if you smile at 100 people, 70 will smile back in Bristol, 68 in Glasgow, 18 in London and only four in Edinburgh.It’s easy to share a smile, since it’s the second most contagious facial expression after yawning. A smiling face is always beautiful and an endearing accessory, while an ugly expression will overshadow meticulous attention to grooming and dress every time. But smiles do more than increase your face value: British researchers found that receiving a smile could give more pleasure than  eating chocolate. It also generated much higher levels of stimulation to the brain and heart than being given money or having a cigarette did.

In my fascinating journey to uncover more about smiling, I discovered something far greater than just a way to get through a challenging run – I found a simple and surprisingly powerful way to significantly improve my own life and the lives of others.So now, whenever you want to look great and competent, improve your friends circle, or reduce your stress…or whenever you want to feel as good as when you've enjoyed a stack of high quality chocolate without incurring the caloric cost, or as if you randomly found Rs.100 in the pocket of a jacket you havent’t worn for ages…or when you want to tap into a superpower and help yourself and others live longer, healthier happier lives … SMILE :-)