Sunday, 22 June 2014

Come Out Of Comfort Zone

“You can only grow if you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” ~Brian Tracy

I like my comfort zone and I hate it. It’s safe, but if I stay there too long it starts to feel like a cage. No wild creature is happy in a cage, and we’re all wild creatures at heart.Sure, we like the reliability of being well fed, clothed, safe, and loved. It’s my theory though (formed just this second) that we are meant to hunt, to seek, to struggle, to engage with a world that offers no guarantees.Like a caged animal, we become depressed when we play it too safe. “Safe” offers no challenge, no growth, and no newness. Without those things we wither and die inside; we watch too much TV, we eat junk food, we numb out.There's no room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone; in fact, over time you might feel overwhelmed and trapped by boredom and fear. Perhaps it's time to stretch those limits a little! Not only will your life become more exciting, but you'll also build confidence and improve your luck.

It only takes one second to be courageous. “Being courageous is more important than being successful.” I have that on my wall. I think it’s true. Taking small risks makes me feel alive. The other name for “fear” is “thrill.”Think about how long it actually takes to do anything you’ve ever wanted to do? It takes one second to make the decision.One second to click the submit button. One second to say hello. One second to smile. One second to jump in. One second to leave no chance for regrets. One second to hand over your two week notice. One second to say, “this isn’t working.” One second to believe. One second to be truthful.One second to choose. One second to play full out. It only takes one second to be courageous.Each day, we get to paint our own canvas. What will you be remembered for, soul sibling?

Replace “What will they think of me?”with“What’s really important to me?”
Say hello to your ego. And now, please ask him/her to keep quiet. When we find ourselves in moments where we might be exposed to internal feelings of nervousness, embarrassment, or anxiousness, we usually tend to run the other way.We've got this incredible internal system that was designed to protect us from real danger, the fight or flight response. Unfortunately, our brain can’t distinguish the difference between our fear of public speaking versus being chased by a bear.However, you have the ability to differentiate between the two situations. When you find yourself safely immersed within an uncomfortable situation, try sitting with it. Before you know it, the related negative feelings will disappear.

Give yourself permission to live uncomfortably. I dare you. When is the last time you felt excited about not knowing what was going to happen next? If you're deep in your comfort zone, it's probably been a while. Don't you miss it? Don't you miss the mixture of anticipation and anxiety that makes your heart flutter and stomach turn at the same time? Bring that feeling back into your life.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Life is an ECHO.....

We're so busy living our lives and carrying out day to day tasks, that we sometimes forget to stop and ask ourselves what we are really doing. What messages are we sending out as we carry out our tasks?Whether we are working on our computer, making a cup of coffee, washing the dishes, or running down to the store to get some milk - what is really going through our minds when we do these things? What vibrations are we sending out into the universe? Are we even aware of them?

Oftentimes when we carry out somewhat mundane tasks of the day, our minds tend to wander and we have no real focus on the task at hand. Perhaps while we're making that cup of coffee we are really just stressing about an e-mail we received earlier and wondering how we are going to respond.When we focus on the task at hand - when we make that cup of coffee... we just make a cup of coffee, and that's it. Perform the task mindfully as if it is a meditative ritual, as if it is the only thing in the world that matters right now and soon we will come to realize how at peace we can be in any given situation.

Throughout my life I have always been pursuing my purpose. I tried so many different things! I started, I stopped, time went by, then I started again, and stopped again, and so goes the story of my life.I never stop exploring new things.I never think to take a chance and experiment my findings.Don't ever just settle. Try something at least once. Do something every day that scares you! No matter the outcome, you will become a better, a stronger person... You will grow.Embrace your journey, come what may. Open your heart to the endless possibilities that lie in your wake. All you have to do is to put it out there, and the Universe will answer you. And you will be answered when the time is right.

Cool Breeze
Glowing stars
God's Glory
At every single chance
Cherish the mirage
Magical Moments
Close ur eyes
Chase ur Dreams
Destiny will Guide you!!!!

Create your own destiny, but if things don't work out the way you had hoped, don't fret. Instead remember that everything happens for a reason, everything happens the way it is meant to.Take comfort in knowing that at any given moment, you are always being looked after.You have this one life, this one opportunity, to really make it interesting. What's stopping you from doing what you want to do with complete focus, or better yet, trying out something for a while to see if it fits and then taking it to the next level?

The most important thing is to keep taking little chances. Not only does it make life more interesting, but it helps you see what you don't want, therefore being able to appreciate, and know what you  want to do in your life. All you have to do, is take a chance - a chance on life!So remember, If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.If you want to achieve something start keeping baby steps right from now No matter how shorter the distance you travel but start your journey.Baby steps are so important - it reminds us not to rush. It eliminates the feeling of being overwhelmed and having to make things happen right away. It reminds us to be patient and trust. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life; life will give you back everything you have given to it. Your life is not a coincidence. It's a reflection of you!"

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Edging God Out --- EGO

           One of the most destructive of creative sins is an over-inflated ego. When many people hear the word “ego,” they immediately think of the know-it-all manager charging into the room and insisting that everyone bend their life and work around his every whim. This is certainly one exhibition of ego, but there are less obvious types that we must be careful to avoid if we want to do our best creative work consistently. You've probably noticed the word AMBULANCE written backwards on the front of a vehicle so that a person seeing it in their rear-view mirror can read it. When you look into a mirror, what you see is backwards, too. Your right hand is your left, your eyes are reversed. You understand that this is a backward view that you are seeing and you make the appropriate adjustments. You do not confuse reality with the image in the mirror.The ego-idea of yourself is very much like the mirror example, without the adjustments. Your ego wants you to look for the inside on the outside. The outer illusion is the major preoccupation of the ego.

Ego Trap #1: Playing the victim

I recall several instances as a child when playing a game with others that there was a disagreement over the rules. When the argument got heated, the disagreeable party would inevitably say something like “Fine! Then I’m taking my ball and going home!” They would rather opt-out of the game than be flexible enough to find a compromise and continue playing.
While very few people would actually be so obvious about their protest in a work context, the results can be comparable. It plays out in a much more subtle, behind-the-scenes kind of way. When we’re playing the victim, our internal dialogue goes something like “if they won’t listen to my ideas, then I’m just not going to offer them any more” or “there’s no use in trying very hard on this project, because my efforts won’t be valued anyway.” At first, this may not seem like a form of ego, but it is. You are putting your own need for recognition ahead of the work and ahead of the mission of your team.Unfortunately, this kind of disengagement means that you are not putting yourself fully into the work in front of you, and thus are abdicating your contribution. You are allowing someone else to control your efforts rather than taking charge of your own engagement. You must stay alert to the “victim” voice inside your head and not allow it to cause you to withhold your best work.

Ego Trap #2: Aggressive defense of your “turf”

There is a vast chasm between confidence in your abilities, and an over-inflated ego. Ego says “I can do no wrong”, whereas confidence says “I can get this right.” Confidence says “I’m valuable” while ego says “I’m invaluable.” This is a critical difference in mindset. Be aware when you are generally contributing and when you are simply trying to protect the status. Losing some of your “turf” may seem scary, but it’s really an opportunity to stay one step ahead.

Ego Trap #3: Being easily offended

Have you ever met “that person” who perceives everything as a personal attack? It doesn't matter what you say to them or how nicely you say it, they will somehow twist it into an insult. Similarly, some people treat any disagreement as an indication that you are questioning their competence. Both of these are subtle displays of inflated ego.

If we want growth and maturity, we must. Leave the Ego and welcome all aspects of being human, Love and appreciate each and every experience. What we gather during that time, in forms of lessons and insight, will determine the rate in which we grow and how deeply we feel toward ourselves and others. Life is definitely a journey. Be wise and pay attention. Enjoy Life.