Sunday, 31 August 2014

F.L.Y - First Love Yourself

"I have been a seeker and I still am,
but I stopped asking the books and the stars.
I started listening to the teachings of my soul."

Many of us know intellectually that we need to be good to ourselves if we want to be happy. But it feels so hard. We are simultaneously the harsh judge and the lost, scared child who wants to stop feeling judged. It becomes a vicious cycle. It only stops when we step outside ourselves and observe how we get ourselves stuck. Our “inner critic” is the demanding, unsympathetic internal voice that narrates life with a negative filter, judging, criticizing, and berating everything we do (or don’t do). I haven’t yet learned to completely and permanently silence mine. I have, however, learned to limit its power over me so that it’s less pervasive, less convincing, less harmful, and sometimes even helpful.

We are not Unique..our five fingers are not identical. There will always be someone smarter, stronger, more attractive, more successful, healthier, and happier person than you. Just like there will always be someone who doesn’t have your potential, advantages, or opportunities.Love urself for the current oppurtunities u have,Love urself for ur Potential,Love urself for what you are.

Most people are passionate about something. They have things that really matter to them -- whether it be a cause or a job or a loved one or a hobby. Whatever it is that gets you really excited, focus on it. Embrace it. Run with it. One of the best ways you can learn to love yourself is to zero in on the things that make you the happiest and spend as much time as you can on them. It's okay to say how awesome you are every once and awhile. It's okay to admit that, wow, you did an amazing job on something or accomplished something you never thought you could. Celebrate yourself and your achievements and all of that self-love is sure to find you. Love your awesomeness because, seriously, you are awesome.

Have simple Principles to Love urself.  I can't do a thing about gravity. Even if I wanted to move to Jupiter or the moon for a change in gravity, it's inconceivable that I could. On the other hand, there are lots of things I can do to control my reaction to gravity. There are countless forces in our lives that are out of our control. That doesn't mean we can't do anything about how they influence our work and our life.My simple Principle is to Smile and make others to Smile.And it involves more Laughing till I get tears and making fun.And I Love Me for this attitude.So now sit back and think.Make a list. Grab your  notepad or even your hand and draw up a list of things you can do today to make you feel good.Keep adding to the list. Forgive yourself if you skip a couple and love yourself no matter how long or short the list is and how much you accomplish on it.Be good to yourself. You will train other people to do the same.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Remove your Mask...............

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Many people I talk with feel that they have no joy in their life. They feel obligated to do so many things that they don’t have time for themselves and the things they really want to do.As a result, they feel drained, anxious, and resentful. With so many outside forces competing for their time, energy, and financial resources, is it really any wonder they feel this way?So what do we do? How can we remain balanced among this sea of obligations and commitments?The answer is to live consciously. By looking at each decision we are making and by asking ourselves, “Is this really what I want to be doing? Is this really what is right for me?” And then by making sure our actions stay in alignment with our true intentions.Saying yes when we mean no often causes us not to trust ourselves. It damages our confidence and lowers our self-esteem.
So why do we do it?We want to Please others all the Time and lose our Originality. 

Most people live their lives without being completely honest with themselves? We all have parts of our personalities we want to hide because we are afraid that if people see "the real you," they won't like it.
 I draw your attention to the principle of honesty. Why is it so many believe in the high and lofty principles of honesty, yet so few are willing to be strictly honest? People often try to hide who they truly are by trying to be normal and fit in with the crowd. To be honest with others about who you are in this world, you must first be honest with yourself.

Each lie, each deception, each act of dishonesty combines to create a monster that can destroy your character and your life.

Here are my tips on being true to your own self, and as always welcome your thoughts and encourage you to share your tips with Others!
Decide what values and beliefs you have that are important for you to live by.
Don’t compromise who you are for the sake of what others want or expect from you.
Check your gut feeling when it is telling you something feels not ‘right’ for you and act accordingly to stay true to yourself.
Let go of feeling guilty over what others want you to be.
Learn to embrace who you are and what you stand for.

What will you choose? Will you choose to stay in power by acting with the knowledge that you are responsible for every action in your life? Or will you continue to give your power away in order to feel valued and accepted in the eyes of another?The choice is yours :)

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Phoenix Spirit....

Don't worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. 
                                                                                                     ~ Howard Thurman

As history claims, the phoenix began as a common bird that’s nest caught on fire by the hand of a god-like figure. As the fire started to consume the bird, instead of suffering, she decided to dance in the flames.

Eventually, the fire reduced the bird to ashes. However, this was not the end of that wise bird, for she knew her ending was only the beginning—the beginning of something greater than what she ever thought possible, a resurrection.

The seemingly done-for bird emerged, more powerful and more beautiful than ever. The phoenix represents a rebirth. A rebirth of the body, mind, and soul, that unleashes itself when the spirit is set free from its self-inflicted shackles.You can do something with what you enjoy doing, and it will eventually lead you to a place you never dreamed of. We all owe it to ourselves to put to use our gifts, because that’s why we have them!

Let me tell you a secret about the phoenix: she’s in all of us.

She’s there, just waiting to be unleashed. That fiery feeling inside of us, wanting to change our lives, feeling as though something is missing, this is the pre-condition of a radical change that is naturally starting to occur in your life.

It is the passion within you waiting to be expressed, and ultimately the ending of the old you. Of course, one of the scariest things in life is change, but to embrace change is to embrace life.

Passion is something we all need in order to feel alive. It is the reason we wake up in the morning. It's the thing that fuels us and keeps us motivated, happy and excited about life.

Not many of us are fortunate enough to have grown up knowing what our passion is. For most of us it comes in the form of a hobby, and it's not necessarily what makes us. We have our day jobs but there is always that thing that gets us even more excited than our daily jobs... the thing that may not necessarily give us a fixed income each month in order to get by, but something that makes us stay up late at night with excitement!

It takes a lot of hard work, patience and consistent persistence to get to the point where our passion fuels our income and when we finally get to that point, there is no guarantee that we will be happy. By nature, we are always going to want more and that's okay. As long as we keep the passion alive, nothing can stop us from having everything we have ever dreamed of while living a happy and fulfilling life!

I like to relate patience to the stability of a mountain. A mountain does not strain itself to keep from crumbling to the ground; it just happens that it does not fall and thus makes a mountain.We are like mountains. Our hearts beat, our cells fade and regrow, and our minds create tides of thoughts and hopes and dreams. But, like a mountain, we happen all at once without our conscious minds telling us to act.
I mean, is it you who tells your heart, “Beat, beat, beat, or else we’ll die!” Of course not. It just happens. And so it is when you find yourself trying to beat impatience out of your mind that you’ll only grow moreimpatient.

Thus, be like mountains, not like your conscious and incessant flow of thoughts and anxieties. Let them go. And before you take another step toward anything, just breathe and let your next action happen as naturally as your breath.

No one can know what truly makes you happy and alive except you. Eventually, your happiness will be enough to make anyone who doubted your choices come around—and your joy will be contagious to them, as well.Whether it be cooking, decorating, being with Pets or playing music, find a way to awaken that spark within you, and that glow will continue to grow.Through that growth you will start to awaken the phoenix within you, inspire others to do the same, and become stronger and more self-fulfilled than ever.